Forest Retention & Forest Health
Forest Health
The Endowment works with numerous partners to maintain and improve the health of working forests throughout North America, making a material difference to address some of the most significant threats facing forests today. Whether it is testing modern biotechnology to ensure that trees and entire forests can thrive in the face of significant stressors or serving as convener to bring cross-border agencies together to address strategic needs, the Endowment is working to increase forest resiliency and reduce the occurrence of disease, insect infestation, and catastrophic wildfire.
Forest Retention
Creating new and growing economic value for landowners, whether through developing new markets or strengthening existing sectors and supply chains, helps prevent working forests from being converted to other uses. Many private landowners use conservation easements to secure the economic and environmental benefits of working forests. The Endowment works with a wide range – from conservation organizations to the Department of Defense to keep forests as forests.