Government of Canada Appoints Liaison

In keeping with the terms of the Softwood Lumber Agreement 2006 (SLA), the Government of Canada has appointed Dr. John W. Weaver, President and CEO of Abitibi-Consolidated, to be its representative to the U.S. Endowment. The “side letters” to the SLA call for the Government of Canada to have either a “non-voting member of the […]

Endowment Secures Full Funding; Engages Investment Manager

The Government of Canada today transferred approximately $177.4 million, which combined with an earlier payment of $22.6 million, completes the $200 million endowment set forth under the Softwood Lumber Agreement 2006. Since “officially” beginning business on November 1, 2006, the Endowment has operated on borrowed funds. The interest earned against the corpus will now allow […]

Snyder Set to Join Endowment to Lead Community Development Initiatives

On April 1 Diane Snyder will begin her tenure as Vice President-Community Development with the Endowment. Ms. Snyder has for the past decade been Executive Director of Wallowa Resources — a community-based natural resources not-for-profit. “Diane’s success in working with a wide range of constituents to stimulate economic vitality in a lightly populated natural resource-dependent […]

Endowment Completes Officer Election

During its first “in-person” meeting held in Jackson, Mississippi, February 18-20, the U.S. Endowment’s Board of Directors heard a report from its Nominating Committee regarding officers. The Committee recommended that Cynthia “Mil” Duncan be elected Vice Chair and that Duane McDougall assume the office of Treasurer. Both were elected unanimously. Additionally, the Board took steps […]

Endowment Receives “Public Charity” Status

The IRS has granted the U.S. Endowment “public charity” status under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Service Code. All contributions to the Endowment are deductible under Section 170 of the code. The ruling is effective from September 21, 2006 until December 31, 2010.

Government of Canada “Certifies” U.S. Endowment and Begins Funds Transfer

After reviewing the U.S. Endowment’s organizational documents and the findings of an audit by KPMG, the Government of Canada has “certified” the Endowment for receipt of funds as envisioned under terms of the Softwood Lumber Agreement 2006. The most tangible evidence of success came in the form of a $22.6 million transfer of funds from […]

Endowment Seeks VP-Community Development

The U.S. Endowment for Forestry and Communities, Inc. (Endowment) invites applications and nominations for the position of Vice President-Community Development. The VP-Community Development will serve as program specialist in developing and implementing the Endowment’s mission as it relates to aiding in systemic, transformative and sustainable change in timber-dependent communities across the United States. Qualifications and […]

Dixon Hughes PLLC to Assist Endowment With Accounting/Financial Services

“You just can’t imagine how exciting and encouraging it is to receive unsolicited support to get a new business up and running,” said Carlton Owen, U.S. Endowment President. That was the reaction he had to a letter from Dixon Hughes’ Greenville Partner Mark Crocker offering his firm’s services to help get the Endowment up and […]

Palmetto Bank Stakes Endowment to Interim Offices

The Palmetto Bank, Upstate South Carolina’s oldest community bank (1906), has provided interim office space to help the U.S. Endowment get its feet on the ground. The offices, in the bank’s main Greenville location, afford a great space in the central business district. “We been heartened by the reception that the Greenville community has offered […]

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